Danijela Videnović Autor za korespodenciju: [email protected] Štenećak kod pasa predstavlja infektivno zarazno oboljenje od koga najčešće oboljevaju psi iz azila i nevakcinisani psi. Može se javiti i kod divljih kanida u prirodi: rakuni, lisice, hijene, lavovi, tigrovi, krznašice. Uzrok je Morbili virus. Virus se može detektovati u ranom uzrastu kod štenaca, u početnom stadijumu bolesti. Širi se putem sekreta iz nosa, ždrela, gornjih respratornih puteva. Može zahvatiti i druge sisteme organa. Može se lokalizovati u limfnim čvorovima, gde se najčešće razmnožava. Pripada grupi virusa koji dovode do imunodeficijentnog stanja i najčešće se komplikuje bakterijskim infekcijama. U slučaju obolelog psa od štenećaka virus je detektovan kod psa uzrasta od 3 meseca. Pas je udomljen iz azila sa aplikovanom jednom dozom vakcine u najranijem uzrastu, dok revakcina za primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu nije aplikovana u predviđenom roku. Vlasnica se javila kada je bila prisutna sekrecija iz nosa i kašalj. Nakon urađene kompletne dijagnostike konstantovan je Štenećak sa mešovitom bakteriskom infekcijom. Komplikacija na plućima je dijagnostikovana kao Pneumonia po urađenom Imidžingu pluća, toraxa ali i post mortem. Epizode zdravstvenog stanja u narednom periodu po postavljenoj dijagnozi pratile su nekada poboljšanja a nekada remisiju oboljenja kod ovog mladog psa. Samo primarno prisustvo ove bolesti (virusa) u organizmu ukazuje da je njegova prognoza loša ako se imunizacije koje su bile preporučene ne urade na vreme po preporuci veterinara; oslabljen imunitet, kontakt sa obolelim psima iz azila, neadekvatna briga neki su od razloga..Virus je i danas prisutan: neadekvatna podrška azilima i nega, nepostojanje mesta gde bi se izolovale obolele jedinke radi sprečavanja širenja zaraze neodgovorna briga vlasnika i njihovo neznanje o o opasnostima i rizicima ove bolesti u ranom uzrastu su razlozi prisutnosti i dalje ove bolesti i ako je vakcina dostupna na tržištu. Ključne reči: štenećak, pneumonia, pas, virus, morbili Danijela Videnović Corespodending autor : [email protected] Distemper is a highly contagious infectious disease that affects mostly dogs from shelters and unvaccinated dogs. It can be found in wild carnivores such as: racoons, foxes, hyeanas, lions, tigers and some furries. The cause is Morbili virus from Paramyxoviridae family. It can be detected in the erliy stages of the disease in very young pupies . Spreading is by a nasal and oropharyngeal disharge or by respiratory system. It can be found in other systemic organs too. This virus can get localized in limph nodes where it can reproduce itself. Belongs to a group of viruses that can lead to immunodeficiency status complicated by secondary bacterial infection. In this case of study, the virus of Distemper was detected in puppy of 3 monts of age. The owner receieved a puppy from the shelter with the first dose off vaccine at the age of 8 weeks. Owner had missed the second dose of the primary vaccination course against Distemper virus. The owner contacted the veterinary surgery once there was a nasal disharge and mild cough present in puppy. After confirmed diagnoses there were obvious complications on thoracic imaging already. Pneumonia was present during post mortem. After the confirmed diagnoses there were episodes in health inprovement and remissions of the Distemper virus in this ill puppy . Presence of the disease (virus) in the body of puppy usually gives poor prognosis particularly if primary vaccination was not done promptly as advised by a veterinary surgeon. There were few factors that helped development of this disease in the puppy such is inadequate care of the owner, acute viral disease, lack of puppy *s body immune response, and contact with potential diseased dogs in the shelter...Conclusion can be drawn that Distemper virus is still present today not becouse of lack of vaccines but due to an uneducated owner about the preventive medicine and potential serious risks that this disease can have onto young puppies. Non adequate support and care in shelters, inability to isolate and treat ill dogs with clinical signs of potential disease so to stop spreading the disease are just a few reasons why this disease is present today still. Key words: distemper, pneumonia, dog, virus, morbili XXV Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa XXV SYMPOSIUM OF EPIZOOTIOLOGIST AND EPIDEMIOLOGIST - BOOK OF APSTRACTS - april 2023- ISBN-978-86-83115-48-8
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November 2024
KUĆNI LJUBIMCI, VETERINARSKA MEDICINA, preventiva, epidemiologija, virusi