Jedno od zaraznih oboljenja od koga mogu oboleti ljubimci a možemo i mi jeste Ehinokokoza (ECHINOCOCCOSIS). Zoonoza. Ovo oboljenje uzrokuju larveni oblici pantljičare Echinococcus granulosus. Odrasli paraziti žive u crevima domaćih i divljih mesojeda (psi, mačke, vukovi, lisice, šakali, divlje mačke..). Prelazni domaćini su ljudi i pojedine vrste domaćih životinja - papkari. Glavni domaćin je pas. Uzrok zaražavanja je najčešće cistama kontaminirano meso koje često ljudi kao iznutrice daju domaćim mesojedima u vidu obroka. Meso može biti kontaminuirano i jajima ove pantljičare u slučaju neadekvatne higijene ruku. Do kontaminacije prostora dolazi eliminacijom jaja ove pantljičare fecesom iz organizma vašeg ljubimca, ili čak fecesom ljudi. U spoljnom prostoru na niskim temperaturama jaja ove pantljičare mogu opstati dugo i infektivna su. Gde se najčešće ova jaja mogu zadržati? U predelu oko repa kod Vašeg ljubimca, a simptom koji se može primetiti je i intezivno češanje u tom predelu i često je kod pasa. U početnoj fazi klinički simptomi kod Vašeg ljubimca nisu vidljivi osim češanja dok se u kasnijoj fazi razvitka bolesti mogu primetiti simptomi koji zahtevaju intervenciju veterinara sa kompletnom dijagnostikom. Vlasnici ljubimaca često postavljaju pitanje zašto je neophodno raditi dehelmintizaciju pasa i mačaka ? Jedan od razloga je prevencija ovog oboljenja. PREVENCIJA Redovna upotreba antiparazitika (dehelmintizacija) kućnih ljubimaca Redovno pranje ruku i dezinfekcija posle rukovanja sa izmetom Vašeg kućnog ljubimca. Adekvatna higijena prostora gde boravi Vaš kućni ljubimac. Adekvatna upotreba bezbedne hrane / bezbednih namirnica kako za ljude tako za ljubimc Veterinary public health in the PREVENTION of ECHINOCOCOSIS in humans and pets One of the infectious diseases from which pets can get sick, and we can too, is echinococcosis (ECHINOCOCCOSIS). Zoonosis. This disease is caused by the larval forms of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. Adult parasites live in the intestines of domestic and wild carnivores (dogs, cats, wolves, foxes, jackals, wild cats). Transient hosts are humans and certain types of domestic animals - ungulates. The main host is the dog. The cause of infection is most often cyst-contaminated meat, which people often give as offal to domestic carnivores in the form of meals. Meat can also be contaminated with the eggs of this tapeworm in case of inadequate hand hygiene. Contamination of the space occurs by eliminating the eggs of this tapeworm with feces from your pet's body, or even human feces. In the outdoor space at low temperatures, the eggs of these tapeworms can survive for a long time and are infectious. Where can these eggs be kept most often? In the area around the tail of your pet, and the symptom that can be noticed is intense scratching in that area and it is often in dogs. In the initial phase, the clinical symptoms of your pet are not visible except for scratching, while in the later phase of the development of the disease, symptoms can be observed that require the intervention of a veterinarian with a complete diagnosis. Pet owners often ask why it is necessary to deworm dogs and cats? One of the reasons is the prevention of this disease. PREVENTION Regular use of antiparasitics (deworming) of pets. Regular hand washing and disinfection after handling your pet's feces. Adequate hygiene of the area where your pet is staying. Adequate use of safe food/food for both humans and pets. DVM Danijela Videnović Zeleni venac vet
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November 2024
KUĆNI LJUBIMCI, VETERINARSKA MEDICINA, preventiva, epidemiologija, virusi