UDC 636.7.09:616.98 Kratko saopštenje Danijela Videnović ![]() Kratak sadržaj: Tokom trajanja ispitivanja pasa i mačaka na virus SARS-COV-2 metodom RT-PCR kao i ELISA metodom na titar antitela ovog virusa u RS 2020/2022, kod jednog od ispitivanih pasa rase Samojed, primećeni su reproduktivni problemi . Vlasnica se javila veterinaru zbog sumnje da je pas moguće oboleo od virusa SARS-CoV-2 jer je dolazio u kontakt sa obolelom osobom. Testitanja na navedeni virus su urađena u saradnji sa Naučnim Institutom za vetereinarstvo Novi Sad u Novom Sadu. Po dobijenom pozitivnom nalazu na titar antitela na virus SARS-CoV-2 pas je ambulantno praćen tokom celokupnog trajanja pozitivnog nalaza na titar antitela više meseci. Tokom praćenja trajanja imuniteta na virus SARS-CoV-2 metodom Elisa, primećen je vaginalni iscedak neprijatnog mirisa, sa poremećenim polnim ciklusom, otečenim zadnjim mamarnim kompleksom. Ultrazvučnim pregledom dijagnostikovana je piometra sa prisustvom tečnosti u rogovima materice. Ženka samojeda nije bila sterilisana, nije se koristila za priplod, nikada se nije parila. Kod ženke samojeda utvrđeno je prisustvo bakterija po urađenom vaginalnom brisu. Po realizovanoj terapiji koja je podrazumevala upotrebu antibiotika, infuzionih rastvora, aglepriston injekcija, oxytocin injekcionog preparata pas je izlečen, plni ciklus se potpuno stabilizovao. Nije urađena sterilizacija kuje jer u narednom periodunije bila vidljiva patološka promena koja bi zahtevala intervenciju veterinara. Ključne reči: aglepriston, pas, piometra, SARS-COV-2, samojed Univerzitet u Beogradu FVM 14. Naučni simpozijum REPRODUKCIJA ŽIVOTINJA, Zbornik predavanja 12-15 oktobar 2023. Divčibare ISBN 978-86-80446-66-0 COBISS.SR-ID 126863881 THE POSSIBLE INFLUENCE OF THE SARS-COV-2 VIRUS ON THE REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE IN SAMOYED DOGS - CASE REPORT SHORT COMMUNICATION UDC 636.7.09:616.98 Danijela Videnović Summary: During the testing of dogs and cats for the SARS-CoV-2 virus using the RT-PCR method as well as the Elisa method for the antibody titer of the virus in the Republic of Serbia in 2020/2022, a reproductive cycle disorder was observed in one of the tested Samojed dogs. The owner contacted the veterinarin due to the suspicion that the dog may have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus because it came into contact with a sick person. Testing for the above -mentioned virus was done in cooperation with the Scientific Institute for Veterinary Medicine Novi Sad in Novi Sad. After receiving a positive finding on the titer of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus using the Elisa method , an unpleasent -smelling vaginal discharge was observed, with a disturbed suxual cycle, swollen caudal mammary glands. An ultrasound examination diagnosed pyometra with the presence of fluid in the horns of the uterus. The samoyed female was not sterilized , was not usedfor breeding, and has never mated. In the case of a female Samoyed, the presence of bacteria was confirmed by a vaginal swab. After the implemented therapy, which included the use of antibiotics, infusion solutions, aglepristone injections, oxytocine injection preparation, the dog was cured, the reproductive cycle was completely stabilized. The bitch was not sterilized because in the following period, no phatological changes were visible that would require the intervention of a veterinarian. Key words: aglepristone, dog, pyometra, SARS-CoV-2, Samoyed Faculty of Veterinary medicine, University of Belgrade XIV Scientific Symposium ANIMAL REPRODUCTION, Proceedings October 12-15, 2023. Divcibare ISBN 978-86-80446-66-0 COBISS.SR-ID 126863881 Korespodentni autor: [email protected] VELVET ANIMAL HEALTH VELVET ANIMAL HEALTH VELVET ANIMAL HEALTH
Zeleni venac vet ![]() https://orcid.org/0009-0006-8020-5867 Archives
November 2024
KUĆNI LJUBIMCI, VETERINARSKA MEDICINA, preventiva, epidemiologija, virusi